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Aztec West in Bristol now fully let by Knight Frank7th February 2013

The 1100 series of industrial buildings at Aztec West, Bristol are now fully let, following the arrival of new tenants to units 1152 and 1154.

Acting on behalf of landlord Hansteen UK Industrial Property, letting agent Knight Frank has leased the 2,977 sq ft unit 1152 to Euro Trade Medical Supplies Ltd on a five lease at a rental rising to £24,000 per annum.

Knight Frank has also let unit 1154 Aztec West to Fulcrum Projects Ltd. The company has taken the 2,505 sq ft warehouse on a five year lease at a rental of £20,000 per annum.

Tom Rees of landlord Hansteen UK said; “Having implemented our active asset management strategy at the estate, it is pleasing to see it fully let, with a good mix of occupiers”.

Russell Crofts of Knight Frank said; “Within a year of Hansteen acquiring these buildings they are now all fully let, reflecting the quality both of the buildings themselves and their Aztec West location, which remains the flagship north Bristol location.”

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